Opening Your Heart to Love

I was talking to my daughter the other day, remembering how heartwarming it always was to watch Winnie the Pooh as a family. No matter how we were feeling, he and his friends would make us smile and bring love into our hearts. The simplicity and purity of his thoughts and words created a warm, fuzzy feeling in us.

What is the secret to the love and joy filling Winnie the Pooh’s life?



He walks around the forest blissfully enjoying his friends, his honey, the woods, the flowers, the games they play… in essence, just being. He lives from his heart.

Most of us aren’t fortunate enough to have had a childhood filled with just fun and carefree moments. So how do we take what we’ve been given and create a life of love and compassion for ourselves? How do we take care of our own needs and trust our own intuition instead of relying on what others may think or expect of us?

If these are questions you struggle with, I’ve created a workshop just for you! You deserve to live a joyous and love-filled life! For more information, go to

In the meantime, here are three tips to start you on that path of self-love and compassion:

  1. Get to know who you are. Take the time to stop and notice how you are feeling. Are you expressing yourself? Are you being 100% honest with yourself? Is there something in your day that makes you smile? Use your five senses to learn what it is that brings you comfort and what makes you uneasy. This will help you see yourself through your own eyes rather than someone else’s eyes.
  2. Take care of your needs. What is one thing you can do today that would make you feel more loved? Take a luscious salt bath with delightful essential oils? Cook a super delicious healthy meal? Take a breather and walk outside in nature? Listen to your favorite music? Spend time with a friend? Find the time to create that loving space for yourself and notice how you feel.
  3. Take the time to breathe. We live in a world filled with stress and pressure. When things seem to be unravelling, put yourself in a bubble and then step away from the “you” in the bubble. See how you can help yourself through your own compassionate eyes. Take some deep breaths before you return to the bubble. As a last step imagine the bubble pulling the stress out of your body as it dissolves around you and melts into the ground. Feel the freedom you have provided for yourself as you get back to the task at hand.

It would be my honor to support you in transforming your life from heartache to love. What choices can you make right now that will create the love, intimacy and relationships you truly desire?

Feel the love!

Aliza Musleah Energy Healer


Aliza Musleah
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